Rabbi Kook

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Aviad Har-TuvA Love that does not Corrupt
Rabbi Kook's love for the Jewish people was the result of penetrating and divine insight into this people's true essence.
  • Leaving Everyone and Everything Behind - Prayer, A Time to Connect to Society
    [Rabbi Shimon and his son left the beit midrash] and hid in a cave. A miracle occurred and a carob tree and a wellspring were created. They removed their clothes and would sit up to their necks in sand. All day they would learn.
  • Levels of National Love
    Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yossi, and Rabbi Shimon were sitting, and Yehuda from a family of converts was sitting near them. Rabbi Yehuda opened and said: “How pleasant are the actions of this nation (the Romans)! They set up marketplaces, set up bridges, and set up bathhouses.” Rabbi Yossi was silent. Rabbi Shimon said: “All that they did, they did for their own sake” …Yehuda from the family of converts told what they said, and the rulers found out [Rashi – he told the rabbis’ students or his mother and father. He did not intend to tell the rulers, but he was the cause of their finding out].
  • Protesting the Worthless
    Rabbi Yehuda opened up and said: “How pleasant are the actions of this nation [the Romans]. They set up marketplaces, set up bridges, and set up bathhouses.” Rabbi Yossi was silent. Rabbi Shimon said: “All that they did, they did for their own sake. They made marketplaces, to put brothels, bathhouses to indulge themselves, bridges to collect tolls.”
  • When Torah Study Is Not Necessary
    What are the divine reasons for the deadly disease of askara?] Rabbi Shimon answered: Due to the sin of bitul Torah (wasting Torah-learning opportunities). They said to him: but women [the fact that they die from it] is a disproof? They cause their husbands’ bitul Torah. Non-Jews are a disproof? They cause bitul Torah to Israel. Youngsters are a disproof? Youngsters cause their fathers’ bitul Torah.
  • Learning Lessons from a Disease
    When our masters entered Kerem B’Yavneh (The Vineyards of Yavneh), Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Elazar ben Rabbi Yossi, and Rabbi Shimon were there. They were asked: this affliction (askara), why does it start in the intestines and end up in the mouth? Rabbi Yehuda the son of Rabbi Ela’i, the first to speak in every setting, answered: Even though the kidneys give advice, the heart understands, and the tongue enunciates, it is the mouth that finishes.
  • Spacing in the Vineyard
    When our masters entered Kerem B’Yavneh (The Vineyards of Yavneh), Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Elazar ben Rabbi Yossi, and Rabbi Shimon.
  • Speech Can Be Harder than we Think
    Askara (a deadly disease that starts in the abdomen but spreads to the throat and causes death by choking) is a sign of lashon hara (slanderous speech).
  • Not Giving the Wrong Impression about Great People
    There are three types of hadrokan (an internal abdominal disease): if it stems from sin, [the flesh – Rashi] is hard; if it stems from famine, it is bloated; if it comes from demons, his flesh is thin. Shmuel Hakatan was afflicted by it. He said: “Master of the Universe – who will be able to tell what the cause is?” He was healed. Abaye was afflicted by it as well. Rava said: “I know about the son of Nachman (nickname of Abaye) that he would starve himself.”
  • The Impact of Hearing Evil
    Rav Chisda said: Whoever pollutes his mouth has gehinom deepened for him, as the pasuk says: “A deep pit [for one whose] mouth [spoke] foreign things” (Mishlei 22:14). Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak said: Even if he hears [improper speech] and is silent, as the pasuk continues: “He who angered Hashem will fall there.”
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